To Do Justice we are called to…

Engage in Mission Work; Nurture God’s Children; and strive for Peace, Fairness and Human Dignity

At Versailles Presbyterian Church, we are called to be Christ’s hands and feet at home and in our community, region and the world. At home, we encourage our church family to grow in faith through worship and joining in a variety of Christian education and mission activities. Doing justice comes naturally to our church family

We respond to our call to do justice in a variety of ways:

Christian Education

Growing our faith through a variety of Christian education programs that begin in the nursery and progress through, elementary, middle and high school, into college and adult learning opportunities


Partnering with a local elementary school to provide weekend back packs filled with nutritious food.


Opening our doors for a weekly afterschool program we call Amigos, (nurture, academics and safety).

Christmas Dinner

Welcoming our community into our church on Christmas day for dinner and fellowship. •

Spark Community Café

Sponsoring Spark Café, our local pay-it forward restaurant by providing volunteers and monetary support.

Hope Center

Serving meals at the Hope Center, a regional facility for individuals recovering from substance abuse.

American Cancer Society

Partnering with the American Cancer Society by hosting a community Derby breakfast benefiting Relay for Life; and a “muffin ministry” to provide a grab-and-go breakfast for residents of the Hope Lodge who are undergoing cancer treatment.


More information coming soon!

Stewardship and Finance

Elmore Scholarship