We are an open, welcoming and inclusive congregation.

Welcome to Versailles Presbyterian Church and thank you for visiting our website. We are an open, welcoming, and inclusive congregation. This is not something we have created, but something that we strive for every day. When you walk into our church, whether it is on Sunday morning or any other day, you will find a welcoming atmosphere and sense of belonging that is reflected in our worship, liturgy, message, and music.

Our welcome extends beyond the walls of our church. Our church van is seen all over the community delivering food, providing transportation to needed services, and taking children home from after school programs. We offer programs to the community that encourage discussion about issues that are important in our lives.

 Please take a few minutes to explore our website and learn more about our church. If you have any questions or want to learn more, feel free to contact us.  We would love to talk with you. And please, come and visit with us. Everyone has a place at Versailles Presbyterian Church.

Grace and peace,


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